2017/03/18 ワークショップTOPICを発表します!

Topic1: How to speak up for yourself

Topic 1 Source Link

Q1. Do you usually speak up for yourself?

Q2. In what situation do you hesitate to express your opinion?

Q3. Do you think speaking up for yourself helps with your ability to communicate in Japan?

Q4. Have you ever had any problems because you were either too assertive or too submissive?

Q5. What are you passionate about?  Please tell your group members what you are passionate about.

Q6. (After Q5)  What did you notice about your group members when they described their passion?


Topic 2: ‘Premium Friday’ drive kicks off to energize weary workers, feeble economy

Topic 2 Source Link

Q1. Does your company participate in the “Premium Friday” campaign?

Q2. If you could leave the office at 3 p.m. on Fridays, what would you do?

Q3. Are you satisfied with your current working conditions?

Q4. Do you think this new idea is accepted in our society?

Q5. What do you think is the best way to boost consumption and curb long working hours?



Topic 2は1:1 Discussionです。




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