Topic 1 説得性のあるフェイクニュースに騙される
Topic 2 人の理性を無効にする道徳心バイアス
Topic1 : Inside the Conspiracy Theory That Turned Syria’s First Responders Into Terrorists
Emma Grey Ellis(2017) / WIRED
URL : https://www.wired.com/2017/04/white-helmets- conspiracy-theory/
Q1. Why do you think the fake news are made?
Reference : https://www.wired.com/2017/02/veles-macedonia- fake-news/
Q2. Do you think fake news are unacceptable?
Reference : http://kyoko-np.net/2005020901.html (I like this article.)
Q3. Are you good at reading lies? Please share your technique.
Q4. Please share your experience of being deceived by wrong information. Please discuss in your group how you can avoid being deceived next time.
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Can Fake News Lead To War? What The Gulf Crisis Tells Us
https://warontherocks.com/2017/06/can-fake- news-lead- to-war- what-the- gulf-crisis- tells-us/
Topic2 : The Moral Instinct
Steven Pinker (2008), The New York Times
URL : http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/13/magazine/13Psychology-t.html
Q1. Which factor stimulates your Moralization Switch most? (Please share your latest episode of having had your Moralization Switch activated.)
[①harm ②fairness ③community (or group loyalty) ④authority ⑤purity]
Q2. Where did you learn the moral? Did you learn it at school? Do you still believe it is useful?
Reference : https://doutoku.mext.go.jp/ (道徳教育アーカイブ:文部科学省)
Q3. Which do you usually focus on, public morality or economic rationality?
Q3-1: Which do you think the individual members in your group usually focus on?
Q3-2: Which do you think you yourself tend to focus on?
Q4. Are you good at controlling the Moralization Switch by yourself? Please discuss in your group how you control it.
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なお、当記事の著者Steven Pinkerはハーバードの売れっ子先生です。ファンです。(私が)
●オススメ⇒ https://goo.gl/GfUZ1u (amazonリンク)