2017/09/30 ワークショップTOPICを発表します!


Life is easy. Why do we make it so hard?/Jon Jundai/TedxDoiSuthep


1)Is your life easy or difficult?  Do you make it easy/difficult for yourself?

2)Which do you prefer : to live in the city and work more or to live in the countryside and just produce what you and your family need?

3) Do you have an opposing view of living in Japan like him?

4) What is a fulfilling or worthwhile life for you?


A restaurant called “The restaurant of order mistake”


1) Do you know anyone with dementia?

2) What is the image of dementia? Are there any stories or experiences you have had with people with dementia?

3) The images of dementia are usually negative, but the restaurant made it positive by using their special feature.
Do you know any case like this? Changing the image of something by unique way?

4) How can we include people with disabilities or diseases? Do you have any idea?

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