Topic 1 : How to raise a black son in America by Clint Smith
https://www.ted.com/talks/ clint smith how to raise a black son in america#t-116512
Topic 1 : How to raise a black son in America by Clint Smith
Q1 : Please talk about how you feel about the video clip.
Q2 : Please talk about what you know about current anti-racism protests in the US.
Q3 : What is your image of human rights in the United States? Is the US a country of liberty? Or is it a county of inequality?
Q4 : Have you ever noticed or experienced any discrimination in Japan?
Q5 : How do you think the discrimination in Japan is different from that in the US?
Topic 2 : US Elections – How do they work?
Q1 : Are you interested in US politics? Why or why not?
Q2 : In November, the US is having the Presidential election. Do you think Trump will win?
Q3 : Do you think the US should play the role as the leader of the world or not?
Q4 : Are you satisfied with current Japanese politics? Do you think it is good enough or not?
Q5 : Do you think people should talk about politics more in public or not? Do you think it is acceptable for TV personalities to show their own political opinion?