’21/09/11(土) 18:00~20:00 オンライン開催
TOPIC1:Why you think you’re right — even if you’re wrong
Q1. How do you feel when you notice you might have been wrong about something? Proud or ashamed?
Q2. Can you talk about an episode which may have motivated reasoning in your past?
Q3. Which mindset are you more likely to be; soldier or scout?
Q4. What do you most yearn for?
TOPIC2:What would happen if you didn’t sleep?
Q1. How long do you usually sleep a night?
Q2. Have you ever challenged yourself to stay awake? If so, how long could you stay awake and what happened in the end?
Q3. Do you have any problems when you lose sleep?
Q4. Do you think about how long you sleep for to maintain your health and daily performance?
2021/09/11 第167回例会TOPIC