1st Part How to speak so that people want to listen
2nd Part Toyota agrees to redistribute profits to employees with major wage hike ncessions
こちらでは2ndPartのご紹介です。The Asahi Shimbunの以下記事を元にディスカッションをしました。
Q1 If you got a basic 4,000 yen monthly increase, what would you do?
Q2 What was the result of spring labor offensive in your company? Are you satisfied with the results?
Q3 Have you ever participated in labor union activities? If your workplace does not have a labor union, please explain how do you improve working conditions?
Q4 It is said that workers in small and medium-sized companies could not get high base pay hikes in this spring labor offensive. Why do you think wage hikes are limited to workers at major companies?
Q5 Do you think Abenomics plays a successful role or fails to get a result?
Q6 Do you think when Japan can turn its economy around? What can Japan do to turn its economy around?