16/07/16 ワークショップTOPICを発表します!


Staff hope for more rewards, less punishment at the Nissin café


<Article : English>


<Article : Japanese>



1. Based on the article, please explain the system of “Kabuteria.”  What is the aim of the project? What happens when the stock prices go up or down?  How do the executive directors of the company contribute to the project?

2. What do you think of “Kabuteria” project? Please share your opinion with your group.

3. Does your workplace have any system to motivate the employees? If they offer any good reward system, please share.

4. What kind of reward system do you wish to have at your workplace to get employees motivated? More salary? More day-offs? Free lunches? Think of anything!

5. If you could quit your work, what would you do next? What kind of job are you interested in?



Topic 2 :

Less Stuff, More Hapiness


<TED> https://www.ted.com/talks/graham_hill_less_stuff_more_happiness?language=ja

1. Are you likely to dispose things easily? Or, do you tend to keep many things?

2. What do you think of the good and bad points of living with small number of items?

3. Do you have anything you can’t dispose of? (comics, clothes, etc…)

4. What do you keep on your desk at your workplace? Is there any particular item you need?

5. What is your ideal style of living? Do you wish to live in a big house with many things? Or would you prefer to live a simple life with minimum number of things? Please share with everyone.



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