16/10/15 ワークショップTOPICを発表します!

1st Topic  Our story in 1 minute


From the first bang, expanding endlessly across the darkness, to the intricacies of our own planet, the history of humanity is awe inspiring.  This video, with its epic soundtrack, visually explains our journey thus far.

Q1 How do you think the world began?

Q2 Out of billions of galaxies and billions of stars, can we find Earth-like habitable worlds?

Q3 Could there be intelligent life on other planets?

Q4 If you could have been alive to see any part of the formation of the universe, which part would you choose and why?

Q5 The earth is 4.6 billion years old.  When we make a one-year calendar of its history, the earth was born on January 1.  The first living things appeared in late March, about 3.5 billion years ago.  Dinosaurs appeared on December 13, about 200 million years ago.  They all died on December 26.  And humans appeared on the morning of December 31, about 7 million years ago.

   What do you think of this calendar?

  参考:地球カレンダー(Calendar of the Earth



2nd Topic  Vulture and a girl


Q1 Do you know about Sudan?

Q2 Imagine how Kevin Carter felt when he took the photo.

Q3 What do you think of Kevin Carter’s action?  Should he have helped the girl first?

Q4 What do you think of his suicide note?

Q5 What do you think of journalism?

What role should a journalist play?


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