※11/11(大阪)は英会話サークルE’s clubとの共同開催となります。オンライン交流は実施しません。
<Topic 1 : How to live passionately – no matter your age>
Q1. Are you scared of aging?
Q2. The speaker mentioned that she’s gained “freedom”, “lightness” softness” and “spirituality” by aging. Is there anything you’ve gained by aging like her?
Q3. When do you feel you’ve aged?
Q4. How do you want to spend your retirement life?
Q5. Are there any elderly people who you want to be like?
<Topic 2 : Motivation>
How to get you motivated and how to keep you motivated are sometimes brought up as an important discussion topic in a business situation as well as private life. For example, in a business situation, raising salary is sometimes said to be one of the effective measures in order to get employees motivated. However, this might not work so well according to one of the motivation theories called “Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory of Motivation-Hygiene”. Herzberg showed that there are different factors that lead to job satisfaction and dissatisfaction, calling the former “Motivator Factors” and the latter “Hygiene factors”. “Motivator Factors” include a sense of job accomplishment, increased responsibility, improved skills and personal growth, and challenging work. Whereas “Hygiene factors” include company policies, management methods, working environment, and working conditions (money, time, and status). Providing “Motivator Factors” can increase satisfaction and improve motivation. On the other hand, taking action against hygiene factors can potentially eliminate dissatisfaction, but this does not necessarily increase satisfaction or motivation.
Q1. Is there anything you are currently working on with high motivation? If you have, please share it as far as you can share. Also, please share what your key driver/energy is. If you do not have, please share what you have been motivated to do in the past. Also, please share what your key driver/energy was.
Q2. What do you think are potentially effective ways to get you motivated or keep you motivated?
Q3. Imagine you were a management team of a company, and it seems that your employees’ motivation for work has been declining recently. Please come up with some measures that might work effectively other than raising basic salary.
Reference: 「ハーズバーグの二要因理論」とは?
Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory Of Motivation-Hygiene (simplypsychology.org)https://www.simplypsychology.