2024/06/29 第211回例会TOPIC

今回のトピックは、英会話サークル「English コーチン名古屋で英会話」様からの引用させていただきました。

English コーチン 名古屋で英会話
【英会話ネタ】英語ディベート ディスカッション テーマ・トピックまとめ 【英会話ネタ】英語ディベート ディスカッション テーマ・トピックまとめ 本記事執筆者について 本題の前に本記事の執筆者について紹介します。 執筆者紹介 名古屋の英会話...

英会話サークル「English コーチン名古屋で英会話」様の以下の方針に従って引用させていただいております。ありがとうございます。




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Topic1 4-day work week is a success, New Zealand experiment finds


Japan’s FamilyMart to offer 4-day workweek


1. Are you satisfied with your day off?  Is it enough for you?  Why do you think so?

2. Have you ever experienced increase or reduction of day-off not only in your work place but also your school and so on before?  If you have what do you think about that?

3. Is it possible to implement a four-day workweek in your company or your work place? And why do you think that?

4. If it is not possible, what do you need to do to make it possible in your work place?

5. If your company had 4-day workweek and you cold have one additional day off on week days, which day would you like to have?  What would you do on your day off?

6. Do you think a Four-Day workweek increase your performance at your work place like the New Zealand company in first article?  Why do you think that?

7. What do you think about the FamilyMart’s 4-day work week?

8. Should we be on the 4-day workweek?

Topic2 Amazon’s Fake Review Problem Is Getting Worse


1. Do you use EC website like Amazon?  What EC websites do you use? and Why?

2. What kind of products do you usually buy on the internet?

3. Do you read reviews(kuchikomi in Japanese) of the products on the internet?

4. When purchasing something on the internet, what factor do you value to decide to buy?

5. Which product are you likely to buy on the internet, “a famous brand with low rating” or “a brand that you haven’t  heard but with high rating”?  And why?

6. Have you ever bought products or services cheated by fake reviews in not only EC website like Amazon but also google, tripadviser(Hotel reservation site) and so on?  Share your experiences.

7. How can you tell if reviews are fake?

8. According to the article “Amazon seems to be reactive to the problem(fake review)” Why does amazon seems to be like this?  What is your opinion?

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