Topic1 : New Year holidays
This year is about to end and the New Year holiday is coming soon.
Please share your story about this year and the New Year Holiday!!
Q1. ことしのもくひょうは何でしたか?たっせいできましたか?
(What was your resolution this year? Have you achieved it?)
Q2. ことしとてもがんばったことは何ですか?
(Please share the things you have worked on hard this year!)
Q3. ねんまつねんし、あなたのこきょう、
(Is there any particular event at your local area or in your family during the New Year holidays?)
Q4. ねんまつねんしのイベントであなたの信じているものはありますか
(Do you believe in something based on events from the New Year holidays?
ex, Santa Claus, New Year dream, Zodiac, Hatsumoude, omikuzi and so on)
Topic2 : Hesitate phenomena garcia amaya why do we like hesitate when we um speak
Q1. Do you sometimes hesitate to speak? If so, in what kind of situation do you hesitate?
Q2. Are there any particular sounds or words you use often in your speech to help you communicate? (like “um” “oh” “so”…etc)
Q3. Do you think filled pauses are meaningful in spoken communication? (like “um” “hm” “er”…etc)
Q4. Please tell us what you care about when you communicate with others. For example, eye contact, back-channeling (the listener saying things like (mhm, yeah, uh-huh, and so on), etc.