2022/01/22 第175回例会TOPIC


TOPIC 1 Days of the week song

There are seven days in one week.  Let’s find out the names of the days and their order in this video!  Understanding the days of the week can help you group and organize events in your life!

Q1  What is the first day of the week?

Q2  What days do you work?

Q3  What day of the week is the best to visit USJ or Disneyland?

Q4  On your days off, what do you do?

Q5  What is your favorite day of the week? Why?



TOPIC 2 I Forgot My Phone


Are we living in a world forever transformed by our use of smartphones?  Before you make a decision, take a look at this documentary by Charlene deGuzman and see if this is similar to your daily experiences.

Q1 How do you start your day?

Q2 How do you communicate with friends and family? How is this different from the avenue of communication 15 years ago?

Q3 How much time, by percentage, do you think individuals spend on their cellphones?  How about yourself?

Q4 What are some positive outcomes of smartphones?

Q5 For what reason did Charlene deGuzman make this documentary?

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