Topic1:Try something new for 30 days
Q1. Are you satisfied with your life?Why or why not?
Q2. How can you make your life happier?
Q3. Is there anything you have always meant to do or wanted to do?
Q4. What will you do if you try something new for 30 days?
Q5. How would your life change if you tried something new you wanted to do?
Topic2: The Power of Introverts by Susan Cain
Q1: Do you think of yourself as an introvert or extrovert? Why do you think so? If you have both aspects, in which situations are you introvert and which are you an extrovert?
Q2: Have you ever regretted not pursuing something that you really wanted?
Q3: Which one would you rather be: the best talker or a person having the best idea if you had to choose one?
Q4: How do you feel when you go into nature, such as mountains, sea or the like? Can you refresh your mind and get back to nature?
Q5: Do you have items that you always have in your bag or suit case when you go somewhere? If you do, please explain where you bring them and why you need them.