2022/05/21 第181回例会TOPIC


“The Chinese zodiac, explained”

https://www.ted.com/talks/shaolan the chinese zodiac explained

Q1 What is your Chinese zodiac?

Q2 Do you care about which Chinese zodiac you are?
Do you believe that each Chinese zodiac has characteristic tendencies?

Q3 What do you think about the fact that Chinese people tend to pay attention to their Chinese zodiac?

Q4 Do you talk about Chinese zodiac, astrology or blood type in your daily life?
Do you enjoy talking about such topics?

Q5 If you have any interesting stories or information about the Chinese zodiac, please share them.



Why are some people left-handed? – Daniel M. Abrams


Q1 Are you right-handed or left-handed?

Q2 Is it good to correct left-handed people to become right-handed when they are a small children?

Q3 How can evolution affect the amount of left-handed people in the human population?

Q4 “It is a right-handed world and there are more advantages to being right-handed than left-handed.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Q5 Give examples from a sport’s perspective of how being left-handed can serve as an advantage in competition.

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