2017/02/18 ワークショップTOPICを発表します!

TOPIC 1 : Do animals have language? – Michele Bishop



1. Do you like animals? Have you ever had any pet or do you own a pet?

2. What do you think are some of the differences between human beings and animals?

3. Why do you think human beings use languages?

4. Which is more difficult to learn as a second language, English or Japanese?

5. If it was possible, which animal would you want to be?


TOPIC 2 : What to do when your kids won’t listen to reason


1. Were you a good kid or a bad kid? Share your memory.

2. Why do you think empathy is important when you are talking to kids?

3. Let’s practice in the role-play as follows;

 (1) In your group, choose one KID, one PARENT and several ADVISERS.

 (2) KID and PARENT are supposed to do the role-plays based on the following situations;

   [ Situation A ]

   At the supermarket, KID asks PARENT to buy him some candies, but PARENT refuses. KID starts to cry. PARENT gets angry and scolds KID without listening to what the KID has to say.

   [ Situation B ]

  KID beat his friend at school because the friend said something bad about him. However, without listening to the KID’s excuse, PARENT scolds KID.

   [ Situaion C ]

   KID didn’t keep his promise of doing the homework by deadline. Without asking the KID why, PARENT gets angry.

 (3) After observing the above role-plays, ADVISERS are supposed to make comments on what was bad and what to do to improve the situations.

 (4) KID and PARENT try the role-play once again. Now PARENT is supposed to show empathy to persuade KID to listen to reason.

4. How can you apply this technique in your life? At home or in your workplace? Share your opinion.

5. In addition to empathy, can you think of any other important things in communication?
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