170819 トピック

[First half]“There’s No Shame in Taking Care of Your Mental Health” By Sangu Delle
URL:https://www.ted.com/talks/sangu delle theres no shame in taking care of your mental health/discussion?language=ja#t-526594

①What are some of the negative stereotypes/stories you have heard about people with mental illness?
②What are some of the positive stories you have heard about mental illness?
③Do you know what the word “stigma” means? How does “stigma” differ from “stereotype” or “prejudice”?
④Do you think people with a mental illness are stigmatised?
⑤Can you come up with any other health conditions or social problems that are taboo in Japanese society?
⑥How can we improve the public’s negative attitude toward some of these conditions?
⑦What do you think influences our way of thinking about mental illness?

[Second half]
“Japan Is As Happy As It Feels — Miserable” By Michael Hoffman, Japan Times

①Are you a happy person?
②When have you been the most miserable?
③What makes you feel happy?
④Can money buy happiness?
⑤How can you become happy again when you are sad?
⑥Would you be happier with a soul mate or are you content with being single?
⑦What is happiness for you?
⑧What are the three most important things for you to be happy?
⑨Do you think that happiness lies within you or does it depend on other people and external factors?
⑩What do you think is missing in Japan that would make Japanese people happier?

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