Topic 1 : How fear of nuclear power is hurting the environment.
1. Are you for or against the use of nuclear power plant ?
2. After listening to this Ted Talk, has your opinion on the use of nuclear power plant changed?
3. What do you do to save electricity in your daily life ?
4. The World Health Organization says that the vast majority of the harm is caused by people panicked because of the anxiety.
Do you agree with this ? How about the case in Fukushima ?
5. Do you think Japan should rely on nuclear power and increase the number of nuclear power plant in the future ?
Topic2 : Japan’s floral birthday crests now available as personalized seals
1. Do you know “Hanakomon” ?
2. What is your “Hanakomon”? (Please refer to the article from the above link.)
3. Does the description of the expected personalized seal match the real personality in your case?
4. “Hanakomon” can be used as bank seal. Is this acceptable for you?
5. Do you know your family crest ?