2018/1/13 第86回例会TOPICを発表します!


TOPIC 1 – Lessons from The Longest Study on Human Development
https://www.ted.com/talks/helen_pearson lessons from the longest study on human development/transcript?language=ja
1. Do you think money is important in education? Please explain why.
2. Did your family let you learn any arts or sports when you were young?
3. What do you think was the most effective educational activity your family did for you
when you were a kid?
4. How do you want to raise up your own kids in the future?
5. What does your first name mean? What kind of expectations do you think your family
had when naming you? What kind of names do you want to give to your children?

TOPIC 2 – The Mathematics of Love
https://www.ted.com/talks/hannah_fry the mathematics of love/transcript#t-1002302
1. Please discuss according to the following steps.
(A) Through a discussion in the groups each consisted of only men or women seperately,
please place the following elements of characteristics of your ideal partner in the order of
importance :
* Appearance
* Income
* Humor
* Kindness
* Fame
* Acceptance and Listening
* Intelligence
(B) Please also guess the answers by the group of other sex.
(C) In the next group including both men and women, please check each other’s answer.
2. What do you think of the research report on people’s tendency of choosing a bit less
beautiful partner instead of a perfect-looking one?
3. What do you think of the idea of rejecting the first 37 percent to find your best partner?
Do you think it is reasonable or unreasonable?
4. Do you prefer the relationship with a high negativity threshold or the one with a low
negativity threshold?
5. Among your favorite TV personalities, who is the best men and who is the best women?
Please name both and explain why you think them attractive.

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