TOPIC 1:Japanese company makes virtual shadow boyfriends to help protect woman who live alone.
1.Do you think this will help women who live alone? Are there any other ideas to live safely?
2.Have you ever felt scared when you are alone at home?
3.Which do you think is more favorable: living alone or living with your family or someone else?
4.What is the most important thing for you in choosing the place to live? (cheap rent, enough space, safety, brand-new room, etc…)
5.Would you like to live in an apartment or in a house?
TOPIC 2:How free is our freedom of the press
1.What do you know of James Risen or Edward Snowden? What do you think about them?
2.Do you think the press in Japan have freedom?
3.Do you think the Japanese government is also gathering information about us? Have you ever felt any fear about getting your personal information leaked while using your smart phones? What do you think about “my number system”?
4.Recently, there are so many scandals about the Japanese government. Can you trust them? Do you believe they make Japan better?
5.Do you usually vote in elections? Why do you think younger generations in Japan don’t really vote?