Topic 1 “The role of human emotions in science and research”
[URL] stengel the role of human emotions in science and research?
1. Do you have a similar experience like Ilona (for example, feeling “being dedicated to something meaningful, belonging to something bigger, and being empowered”), in your company, school, or some of your communities? Please share your experiences.
2. What’s the most meaningful work you have done in your life? Please share your favorite three.
3. Can you control your emotions? If you can, please explain how.
4. Do you have a positive influence over the emotions of your colleagues and / or boss? If you do, please explain how. If you don’t, discuss how you might be able to influence their emotions in a positive way.
Topic 2 “Why good leaders make you feel safe”
[URL] sinek why good leaders make you feel safe?
1. Do you agree with the picture of a “good leader” in the video clip? Explain why.
2. Please tell us about a good leader that you know. How is he (she) good?
3. Please tell us about a bad leader that you know. How is he (she) bad?
4. Do you think you are a good or bad leader? Please explain.