TOPIC 1: Why working from home is good for business
Q1: Is it possible for you to work from home now?
Q2: If you can work from home, which part of your work can be done so?
Q3: What would you do if you could work from home?
Q4: If your current workplace has any good labor system that helps you balance the work and your private life, please share.
Q5: Do you have any requests for your workplace? What kind things do you wish to change at your current workplace?
Q6: After retirement, will you still wish to work? Please explain why.
TOPIC 2 : How autism freed me to be myself
Q1: Have you ever heard of “developmental disabilities”? Before this meeting, what did you know about them? Were you familiar with them or not? Have you ever met anyone around you who has them? Share your experience.
Q2: Can you explain the words such as “autism”, “ADHD” and “LD”? If not, please do a little bit of research and share your findings in your group.
Q3: What would you do if you had a child with developmental disabilities? What kind of support do you think you can offer?
Q4: To support people with developmental disabilities, what do you think our society can do?
Q5: The topic maker wanted the participants to realize the necessity of looking at the world in somebody else’s shoes. Do you think you are the type of person who can think in other people’s points of view? Please share your effort, if any, to understand other people’s ways of thinking.
Q6: No matter whether related to developmental disabilities or not, do you yourself have any behavioral tendencies? Do you have any thing you are not confident about? For example: forming relationships with other people or understanding others through listening or writing.