2019/04/20 第118回例会TOPIC

1st Topic:A bath without water


  1. Have you ever thought that you don’t want to take a bath? If your answer is yes, why and when did you think so?
  2. Would you like to use DryBath?
  3. When/how can we use DryBath in Japan?
  4. According to Ludwicks speech why is DryBath packed in a little sachets?
  5. Did you know that there are more than 2.5 billion people in the world today that do not have proper access to water and sanitation? What do you think about this situation? Is there anything that you can do for them?

2nd Topic:Salman Khan, MIT 2012 Commencement Address


Transcript) http://tech.mit.edu/V132/N28/commencement.html

  1. What was your graduation day like?  Do you still remember something from that day?  Have a lot of your classmates married each other like MIT students?
  2. When you have an argument or quarrel with someone whom you respect, or you care deeply about, what would you do?  Are you able to control your ego and pride?  Once you have had trouble with very important people. How do you fix the relationship?
  3.  Salman thinks money is not important compared with your health and relationships. Do you agree with this statement?  What is the most important thing in your life?
  4. When you’re stressed out what do you do? Do you have any method or techniques to relieve your stress?  What do you think of Salman’s advice?
  5. How do you deal with people you don’t like or hate?  Do you ignore, dismiss or fight with them?  Or do you try to empathize with them?  What would you do if you need their cooperation?
  6. If you are able to go back to the past, how many years ago do you want to go back? Then, what would you do or change there?

Reference)MIT=マサチューセッツ工科大学) https://collegino.jp/app/media/89

Khan Academy) https://www.khanacademy.org/


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