Q1 According to one report, what was the annual inflation rate in Venezuela
between November 2017 and 2018?
a) 130% (one hundred thirty )
b) 1,300% (one thousand, three hundred)
c) 1,300,000% (one million, three hundred, thousand )
Q2 Around the world, prices of things are rising more than normal, and more
worrying is that prices keep going up. Why are prices going up?
Q3 If you increase interest rates, what will happen?
Q4 Prices are going up but wages are not. How do you survive this situation?
Q5 Do you believe in the old saying, “Money makes the world go round!”?
参考:【金がものを言う の英語表現】
Q1 Do you drink coffee?
Q2 Caffeine is an addictive drug. Should it be regulated by the government?
Q3 How many people does it take to make a cup of coffee? While we might
marvel at the global network behind this commodity, let’s make sure we don’t
value the final product more than the people who make it.
Q4 Many involved in coffee are low-paid. Would you be willing to pay more for
coffee if it would increase those wages? And if you’d be willing to pay more,
how much more?
Q5 In recent years, the “locally grown” movement for food and beverage has
increased in popularity. What are the pros and cons of eating and drinking
“locally grown,” compared to the more global process described here for coffee?
Q6 Coffee has a far more complex production process than many people
realize. What are some other seemingly-simple common or popular products
that may have a similarly complex process?