Should we pay for using an ambulance or not?
※if we do, we have to pay a fixed amount whenever we call it
※everyone has the obligation
※those fees will be used by the municipality for general resources not for particular purposes
TOPIC 2 : Can doggy bags save the world?
- Have you ever forgotten to bring in the dishes when you ate outside?
If yes, how did you feel about that?
- Before you read this article, had you ever heard of a doggy bag?
If yes, have you ever used it?
If no, what do you think about it?
- Most restaurant owners don’t use the doggy bag system because they are afraid of food poisoning.
What do you think about this opinion?
How can we refuse leftovers? Share your opinions in your groups.
- Have you ever seen doggy bags used in foreign countries?
How about Japan?
- Do you have any ideas or tips for reducing food waste?