16/11/05 ワークショップTOPICを発表します!

1st Topic:President Barack Obama on the Future of Artificial Intelligence /WIRED



タイトルはオバマメインですが、MITメディアラボ所長の伊藤穣一さんもとってもかっこいいです♥ 内容固いですが、そんな視点で♥ 短いのでぜひ予習にお役立てください~!


  1. What is the most exciting technological development you’ve ever encountered?
  1. What are your thoughts on AI? Is it colored by popular culture such as science fiction as President Obama said?
  1. President Obama says that “we’re gonna have to develop new social constructs in order to embrace fully and optimize this new technology.” How would AI change the social constructs? How should the social constructs be changed?
  1. In your line of work, is AI already in use? Or in what ways will it be (possibly) used?
  1. Joi says that “everybody needs to understand and be involved in computer science community.”,by using the term, Extended Intelligence. Where do you see the future with AI?  Is it positive or negative?


(※ちょっと難しいので… 伊藤壌一さんは、この技術進歩を、人間と独立したArtificial intelligence(人工知能)と捉えて競争するネガティブな対象とするのではなく、Extended intelligence(拡張知能)と捉えて、人間と共に進歩できるポジティブな対象とするべきと主張しています。)





2nd Topic:Fashion and creativity

-Isaac Mizrahi


Don’t watch it too serious!

This is just my favorite TED of sleepy fancy chatty guy …or lady.

I hope at most half of you would like it… sorry for the other half!


kitchenly? –ry?はぜひ使いこなしたい単語です。XD 


  1. What messages did you glean from Isaac Mizrahi’s talk? Was even there any message in it for you?
  1. Do you usually stay up late? Does sleeping less make you more creative? What makes you the most creative?
  1. Were you inspired by movies? Were you inspired by any characters or places?
  1. Describe the most beautiful color in nature that you’ve ever seen.
  1. Do you consult with astrologers or tarot card readers before you take any important action?  If not, is there anyone you consult before you make important decisions?
  1. Do you see the fashion as an art form? How important is fashion to you?



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