Adam Savage: My love letter to cosplay
1. Have you ever done ‘cosplay’? ( Including part time jobs wearing costumes )
If so, what kind of characters, did you play?
2. What kind of characters do you want to do in cosplay? Why did you choose those characters?
3. What is your reason for doing cosplay?
4. Recently, cosplay has become very popular in Japan, for example, during Halloween.
For what reason do you think people do cosplay?
5. Are you motivated by any movie, comic or anime characters?
For example; I was motivated by Captain Tsubasa to play soccer.
コミコン・インターナショナルは、毎年7月か8月の4日間、アメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州サンディエゴで開催される、漫画などの大衆文化に関するコンベンション当初はコミックやSF・ファンタジー映画などが中心だったが、年を追うごとに文化の幅を広げ、1日に約12万5千人が来場するコンベンションに成長している。(ウィキペディアより) 日本では、今年12月に初開催となり、「アベンジャーズ」「スター・ウォーズ」「ハリー・ポッター」などに出演したハリウッド俳優たちが来日する予定。
COMMENTARY/ ‘Trump shock’ exposes divisions straining our democracies
1. What did you think of the results of this election?
Was it surprising or did you predict the outcome?
2. What do you think is the reason for Trump’s victory?
Please give your opinion.
3. How do you think the relationship between Japan and the U.S. will change?
What should Japan do in order to have a good relationship with the U.S.?
4. Why do you think that among male respondents aged between 15 and 29,
support for the two candidates was almost equal at just under 40 percent?
(survey by the University of Niigata Prefecture)