Topic 1
Company offers fake friends photo service to help customers look popular on social media.
1. Do you like posting pictures on your SNS ?
2. What do you think about this service ?
3. Why do you think such service was started?
4. Choose your favorite picture from your smart phone and share it with your group.
-Why did you choose that picture?
5. Can you eat out alone or go traveling alone ?
6. What do you think about the price of this service ?
Topic 2
How to buy happiness
1. When do you feel happy in your daily life ?
2. When do you feel the happiest?
– When you spend money on yourself or when you spend money on others?
3. Have you recently used your money on others?
4. What do you spend most of your money on?
(food, drinking alcohol,clothes, hobbies etc…)
5. What will you do if you won the lottery ?
6. Have you ever donated money to a worthy cause?