2017.05.13 TOPIC


What I learned from 100 days of rejection

Q1 : Do you have any experience where you have been rejected and it was hard to forget?
Q2 : In what situation do you feel scared of being rejected? What scares you so much?
Q3 : In addition to beating the six-year-old, what has Jia Jiang learned from the 365 days trial work?
Q4 : Give one idea to get rejected that you would like to try.
Q5 : Share your own ideas on how to deal with a fear of rejection. Please discuss with your group.

Working from home may actually hurt your career

Q1 : Do you sometimes work at a remote place like at home or at a cafe? Please give a reason for your answer.
Q2 : Being away from your common workplace, are you confident that you can be as productive as usual?
Q3 : What do you think would help to cut down the distractions when you work from home?
Q4 : If you are not being supervised by your boss, do you believe your performance will decline?
Q5 : How would you feel when your team includes an employee who prefers to work in a remote place? Do you feel bothered by not having him / her in the office?

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