TOPIC1:The best kindergarten you’ve ever seen
Q1 What kind of games did you like when you were a kindergarten student? Did you like hide-and- seek, simon says and so on?
Q2 Based on your experiences, what kind of differences do you think there are about how to play between boys and girls at schools?
Q3 Which did you prefer, playing in nature or using toys?
Q4 What kind of influences does the education provided at kindergarten bring about in the growth of kids?
Q5 What do you think is the most important thing in educating little kids at kindergarten?
TOPIC2: Why do we dream?
Q1 Share the last dream that you remember.
Q2 Why do you think we dream while we sleep? Do you think dreams are your potential emotions or wishes?
Q3 Have you ever tried dream divination? Do you think it was correct or not?
Q4 In what kind of situation do you think we dream easily? Is it when you get tired or when you are under stress?
Q5 Which of your dreams do you wish happened in real life?