2021/02/27 第157回例会TOPIC

Topic 1 : Teach girls bravery, not perfection
Q1. Are you afraid of taking risks?
Q2. Do you think girls are more likely to be afraid of taking risks?
Q3. Has anyone around you ever inspired you to take more risks?
Q4. What was the failure in your life that gave you the greatest lesson?
Q5. Do you think people should be encouraged more at school in Japan to take risks?
Topic 2 : The profound power of an authentic apology
Q1. Do you think punishing someone is necessary to make things better?
Q2. Do you think people should forget their painful experiences? Or do you think people can find something meaningful even from those memories?
Q3. Are you likely to keep thinking about how others have hurt you? Or are you likely to try to forgive others?
Q4. Can you apologize sincerely, setting aside your pride, when you have done something wrong?
Q5. Do you have any good method to turn bad experiences into something meaningful?
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