2021/03/14 第158回例会TOPIC

TOPIC1:Tik Tok, Instagram, Snapchat — and the rise of bite-sized content https://www.ted.com/talks/qiuqing tai tiktok instagram snapchat and the rise of bite sized content?utm campaign=tedspread&utm medium=referral&utm source=tedcomshare

1. Have you ever used or watched short videos on TikTok, Instagram, or Snapchat?
2. Did the age of Covid-19 change your way of thinking about social media?
3. Do you think the case of McDonald’s “snaplocation” can be used for recruitment in your workplace?
4. If you were a student and looking for a part time job, would you try “snaplications”?
5. Are you a person who likes new things or not?

TOPIC 2 : Do animals have language? – Michele Bishop http://ed.ted.com/lessons/do animals have language michele bishop

1. Do you like animals? Have you ever had any pet or do you own a pet?
2. What do you think are some of the differences between human beings and animals?
3. Why do you think human beings use languages?
4. Which is more difficult to learn as a second language, English or Japanese?
5. If it was possible, which animal would you want to be?

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