2021/10/31 第170回例会TOPIC

<TOPIC 1 : SDGs>
   Below is the list of 17 SDGs goals. Before the session, please place them in the order of importance based off of your own beliefs. Then, in the session, we will share our rankings with each other and make a collaborative ranking as a group. The first half of the session will be conducted in Japanese, the latter half in English.
  1. No Poverty/貧困(ひんこん)をなくそう
  2. Zero Hunger/飢餓(きが)をゼロに
  3. Good Health and Well-being/すべての人に健康(けんこう)と福祉(ふくし)を
  4. Quality Education/質(しつ)の高い教育(きょういく)をみんなに
  5. Gender Equality/ジェンダー平等(びょうどう)を実現(じつげん)しよう
  6. Clean Water and Sanitation/安全な水とトイレを世界中に
  7. Affordable and Clean Energy/エネルギーをみんなに、そしてクリーンに
  8. Decent Work and Economic Growth/働(はたら)きがいも、経済成長(けいざいせいちょう)も
  9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure/産業(さんぎょう)と技術革新(ぎじゅつかくしん)の基盤(きばん)をつくろう
  10. Reduced Inequalities/人や国の不平等(ふびょうどう)をなくそう
  11. Sustainable Cities and Communities/住み続けられるまちづくりを
  12. Responsible Consumption and Production/つくる責任(せきにん)、つかう責任
  13. Climate Action/気候変動(きこうへんどう)に具体的(ぐたいてき)な対策(たいさく)を
  14. Life below Water/海の豊(ゆた)かさを守ろう
  15. Life on Land/陸(りく)の豊かさも守ろう
  16. Peach, Justice and Strong Institution/平和と公正(こうせい)をすべての人に
  17. Partnerships for the Goals/パートナーシップで目標を達成(たっせい)しよう
<TOPIC 2 : Education>
  1. What kind of subjects did you study in your school? Please share the most interesting course you’ve ever taken.
  2. What do you think are the problems in the education system in your country?
  3. What do you think the students in your country need to study to survive in this era?
  4. Is it important to keep learning English despite the quick development of IT technology?
  5. What do you study now? Do you think society should have a system that allows adults to continue their education alongside their jobs?
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