16/10/01 ワークショップTOPICを発表します!

1st Part

Joe Kowan : How I beat stage fright

Source: https://www.ted.com/talks/joe_kowan_how_i_beat_stage_fright


Stage fright:舞台恐怖症

(I recommend using subtitles and transcripts.)


1: Do you suffer from stage fright?  If so, please give an example of an incident in which you suffered from stage fright.

2: Why do you think stage fright occurs?

3: When you consulted your friend about their stage fright, what questions did you ask?

What advice would you give to Joe Kowan, the speaker?

4: When do you feel nervous?  What do you do to overcome it?

5: If you do not feel nervous or do not have stage fright, how is your life changed from what you are? Is having stage fright always a disadvantage?

2nd Part

All work and no play

Source : http://st.japantimes.co.jp/essay/?p=ey20160715


1: How often do you work late? Please tell us about your working style.

2: Why do you think long working hours are part of the course in some countries, especially in Japan?

3: If your ideal working environment is different from that of your current job position, what steps do you think is necessary in order to improve upon it??

4: What are you doing to improve your working style? Do you do your best to leave work on time?

5: The article says that staying late has propelled the country’s remarkable economic growth during the ’80s.  Do you think staying late is effective in growing our economy?  Is your senior or boss’s working style the same as yours?

6: When choosing your job, what factor is the most important for you?

7: How do you want to spend your time after work?

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